Launching a next-day delivery e-commerce with tons of personality
The team needed to go from a logo and a prototype for an MVP to a fully functional website, ready to receive hundreds of daily visitors. It was a very hands-on project that gave me the opportunity to map and design assets for the entire customer experience, from an email marketing campaign campaign to the packaging for deliveries. All was done with the customer's journey in mind, while we tried to make every touchpoint as captivating as possible. We wanted clients to be delighted and surprised, and keep them coming back for more.

After living for five years in China, two entrepreneurs realized the untapped potential of e-commerces with fast deliveries in the Brazilian market. After assembling a product portfolio and subcontracting different designers for a logo and a prototype for an MVP, they called me to join the team and move things along until the website launch.
Tough 🥒 We began by testing the prototype to get feedback from users about their experience. It was important to learn that users described the brand as bland and generic and what they liked the most was the product mix, which was completely different from what DinDong was actually offering. So we set out some goals for our collaboration: 1. To make the brand stand out and make it more relatable; 2. Expand identity and brand assets to reflect the actual product mix; 3. Design new features to add to the prototype
Design powers, activate 🧞♂️ The next step was mapping the customer's journey to find touchpoints where we could be captivating. I came in full throttle and created: Logo animations and video ads; Copy that helped to create the brand's story; Custom packaging with tons of stickers for a happy and colorful delivery; They made the boxes say things like: "Can you believe I'm here already?", "Please recycle or reuse me", "This order was packaged by... and then the person could sign in their name"; They were a hit, with many customers publishing stories on Instagram with love declarations for them; Email marketing campaigns with various flows and triggers (using the Klaviyo platform); Social media campaigns and images for the website; Category icons: these were intended to be later used as sub-brands; Press releases: one big media outlet published our story and the traffic was so intense that it crashed the website; I also supervised the creation of a sound identity for the brand.
Functionalities galore 🦾 Both users and developers missed a bunch of screens in the user flow, so I set out to fill-in the gaps and improve the process. During this process, I designed more than 120 screens. Some proud achievements were: A sidebar with order status and quick access to pages in the user's account; Personal coupons with cumulative discounts for referring friends; Wishlists and "like" buttons on products; Flows for evaluating orders; Product collections based on user's viewing history.